Order situation stable despite corona pandemic
Meppen. In the Emsland region, too, the corona virus has been dominating life since the spring and is presenting us with major challenges in both the business and private sectors. "The coming weeks will demand a lot from us once again. Particularly with the current increase in the number of infections, patience, perseverance and consideration are absolutely essential to help us get through the crisis," the management is sure.
Despite the generally tense economic situation, also in the field of mechanical engineering, Ludden & Mennekes Entsorgungs-Systeme GmbH has recorded a good business year and is working at full capacity until the end of the year. "Our previous projects could be completed without major delays and to the satisfaction of our customers", says the management. Ludden & Mennekes has already scheduled a large number of projects for the first half of 2021. "With our stable economic situation we prove once again that Ludden & Mennekes stands firm as a stable company even in times of crisis".
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